WA ACE Small Grants

This is a preview of the WA ACE Small Grant application form V2.1 (Nov 2024) form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Applicant's eligibility and contact details

* indicates a required field.

Applicant's details

WA ACE Small Grants are to support individuals with projects that benefit Western Australian energy consumers. Please include an organisation name only if this is applicable.
Can be NA or self-employed, etc if you are submitting an application as an individual
Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, Postcode, and Country are required. Country must be Australia 
Must be an email address. 
Can be a mobile or landline number

Eligibility and grant conditions

Individuals and organisations can apply for a WA ACE Small Grant.  Applicants will be required to declare actual or perceived conflicts of interest as and when they arise.

At least one of the applicants must be based in Western Australia OR the application must include a letter of support from a Western Australian based consumer advocacy organisation and/or member(s) of the Expert Consumer Panel. Academic research without the support of a consumer advocacy organisation and/or member of the Expert Consumer Panel will not be supported.

If an application is being made on behalf of an organisation, then the application must be supported by the chief executive officer or authorised officer of the applicant’s organisation. 

Applications must include a presentation to the WA ACE Forum and/or the Expert Consumer Panel in their scope, and need to make available project outputs (reports, survey data, etc) for publishing on Energy Policy WA website.  Reusable project outputs are to be provided with and without logos. Any white label material provided may be used by other parties, with appropriate referencing. Confidential information or information impacting privacy will be removed prior to publication.

All publications relating to the project to carry the following disclaimer: 

"This project was funded by the Government of Western Australia (Energy Policy WA) as part of its grants process for consumer advocacy projects and research projects for the benefit of consumers of electricity and gas The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Western Australia or Energy Policy WA."

The following projects will not be considered eligible for funding:

  • Consumer awareness campaigns or advertising.
  • Development of commercial products.

Individuals employed by or associated with energy sector participants or governance bodies, including the Australian Energy Market Operator and the Economic Regulation Authority, are not eligible for a Small Grant.

Officers of the Western Australian Public Service are not eligible to apply for a Small Grant.

Please contact Energy Policy WA if you are unsure as to whether you are eligible to apply. 

Please confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria and are willing to adhere to the grant conditions * Required
Response required.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Please confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria and are willing to adhere to the grant conditions" on page 1

From the information provided it seems that you are not eligible to apply for a WA ACE Small Grant. However, if you are unsure if you are eligible then please contact Energy Policy WA to discuss your specific circumstances. 

The office number is (08) 6551 4600, or email epwa-grants@demirs.wa.gov.au, quoting your application number and best contact details (including a contact time if that is applicable).